Data breaches, women inventors, what changed in 50 years of computing and more / Daily digest

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2023 Was The Worst Year Yet For Data Breaches in Every Way—Except One

According to data from the Identity Theft Resource Center, the total number of cybercrime victims was down in 2023, but everything else was way up.

Tesla paid no federal income taxes while paying executives $2.5 billion over five years

Spoiler: The company actually received $1 million in refunds.


49% of founders say they’re considering quitting their startup this year

Startup founders tell Sifted they’re “overworked”, “exhausted” and “broken”


Five of this year’s Pulitzer finalists are AI-powered

Two of journalism’s most prestigious prizes — the Pulitzers and the Polk awards — on how they’re thinking about entrants using generative AI.


20 organizations advancing women in tech

Women remain underrepresented in the IT industry. These 20 groups are working to support women and close the diversity gap in tech.

The share of women inventors is rising, but major gaps remain

Women’s participation in scientific patents has increased since 2000, according to new data analyzing patents granted by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.


How to Upload a File to ChatGPT, and Why You Might Want To

You can easily upload a photo or document to ChatGPT, but what for?


What Changed in 50 Years of Computing: Part 1

How has the classic book on software engineering, ‘The Mythical Man Month,’ aged with time, and is it still relevant half a century on – or does it belong in a museum, alongside floppy discs?


Why Airbnb Is Banning Renters From Having Cameras Inside Their Listings

Airbnb hosts may have good reasons to want to install security cameras inside properties they rent out—they’ve been used to catch theft, or vandalism, or even just non-compliance with rental rules. But concerns about privacy violations have pushed the property rental company Airbnb to ban all indoor security cameras in all of its listings worldwide.

🤖 Cool Technology

This wearable for pro athletes has me rethinking my whole approach to fitness training

I tested out the CORE Body Temperature Sensor and learned why VO2 Max and my fitness watch aren't enough to ensure I'm race-ready.

New high-speed microscale 3D printing technique

A new process for microscale 3D printing creates particles of nearly any shape for applications in medicine, manufacturing, research and more – at the pace of up to 1 million particles a day.


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