DAILY DIGEST / AR/VR, humanoid robots at BMW, free ChatGPT courses and more

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The Self-Checkout Nightmare May Finally Be Ending

Self-checkout is a failed experiment, and a growing number of stores are backpedaling on these cursed machines.


FDA Clears AI-Powered Handheld Device That Can Detect Skin Cancer

The FDA has cleared DermaSensor’s first-of-its-kind handheld device that uses artificial intelligence to non-invasively detect skin cancer, the Miami-based device maker announced Wednesday.

Report: OpenAI Is Working With the Pentagon On Security, Veteran Mental Health

OpenAI is reportedly collaborating with the US Department of Defense (DoD). At this week’s World Economic Forum meeting in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, the ChatGPT and DALL-E maker confirmed that it’s working with the Pentagon to develop cybersecurity tools. The two organizations are also brainstorming ways to prevent veteran suicides.


20 of the best ChatGPT courses you can take online for free

Learn all about this popular chatbot without spending anything.

Figure's humanoid robots are about to enter the workforce at BMW

Figure has signed its first commercial deal, and is sending its general-purpose humanoid robots off to start real-world work at BMW's manufacturing plant in South Carolina. Founder and CEO Brett Adcock talks us through this rubber-meets-road moment.


Sheryl Sandberg says she’s leaving Meta’s board


Google Updates Chrome's Incognito Warning to Admit It Tracks Users in ‘Private’ Mode

The warning was added to Chrome Canary as Google settles aclass-action suit.


How software can digitally transform child adoption

Non-profit Both Ends Believing uses low code technology to develop digital records and methods to help vulnerable children and families connect.


LeftoverLocals: Listening to LLM responses through leaked GPU local memory

We are disclosing LeftoverLocals: a vulnerability that allows recovery of data from GPU local memory created by another process on Apple, Qualcomm, AMD, and Imagination GPUs. LeftoverLocals impacts the security posture of GPU applications as a whole, with particular significance to LLMs and ML models run on impacted GPU platforms. By recovering local memory—an optimized GPU memory region—we were able to build a PoC where an attacker can listen into another user’s interactive LLM session (e.g., llama.cpp) across process or container boundaries.

Each Facebook User is Monitored by Thousands of Companies

A new study looks at who is sending information about your online activity to Facebook

🤖 Cool Technology Trend

2024 will be a big year for AR/VR, but mainstream adoption will lag

A host of new devices hitting the market this year could provide a shot in the arm for an industry that saw sluggish sales in 2023 as buyers awaited Apple’s entry.

3 visions for the future of the Internet

The semantic web, Web 3.0, and Web3 are three guiding ideas shaping the future of the Internet. Here's how they come together, bonded by technologies like blockchain, generative AI, and HTMX.


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 Image: Figure
