DAILY DIGEST / AI and road rage, free softwares, black IT career and more

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📡On my radar

Artificial Intelligence Is Here To Calm Your Road Rage

“Great. I’m glad you can do something about it. By breaking down a problem into tiny steps, we can often string together a solution,” the car says. “Sound good?”

I am behind the wheel of a Nissan Leaf, circling a parking lot, trying not to let the day’s nagging worries and checklists distract me to the point of imperiling pedestrians. Like all drivers, I am unwittingly communicating my stress to this vehicle in countless subtle ways: the strength of my grip on the steering wheel, the slight expansion of my back against the seat as I breathe, the things I mutter to myself as I pilot around cars and distracted pedestrians checking their phones in the parking lot.

Everyone’s a sellout now

So you want to be an artist. Do you have to start a TikTok?

When Rachael Kay Albers was shopping around her book proposal, the editors at a Big Five publishing house loved the idea. The problem came from the marketing department, which had an issue: She didn’t have a big enough following. With any book, but especially nonfiction ones, publishers want a guarantee that a writer comes with a built-in audience of people who already read and support their work and, crucially, will fork over $27 — a typical price for a new hardcover book — when it debuts.


The Best Free Software for 2024

The right apps make everything easier. We've got more than 50 top-notch picks to help you be more productive, more creative, and more secure on your PC. And they're all free.


Here's what doctors say about telemedicine

Ever wonder what doctors think about the tech used in telemedicine? CDC researchers asked primary care, surgical specialty, and medical specialty physicians if they were satisfied with the technology.


20 professional organizations for Black IT pros

Black technologists have long been underrepresented in IT. These organizations aim to help close the diversity gap in tech by empowering Black tech professionals at every level.

🔎 Research

There’s More Proof That Return to Office Is Pointless

A University of Pittsburgh study found that RTO mandates may just be a power grab that doesn't affect productivity.

The video game industry is in trouble. Here's why

  • Video games are a huge business — even bigger than Hollywood by some measures.
  • But if you dig into the numbers, you'll see the video game industry is in trouble.
  • Big-budget titles dominate, and it's hard for new games to break through — just like in Hollywood.

Zero-party data revolution

The United States doesn’t have robust laws to protect data privacy, and many users think that companies are taking advantage of personal information. A new study from Attest surveying 1,500 consumers found 84% of Americans are concerned about their data privacy when interacting with brands online—with 41% saying they are very concerned.


Google will no longer back up the Internet: Cached webpages are dead

Google Search will no longer make site backups while crawling the web.


The fight against greenwashing starts with AI. Here’s why

July 2023 was the hottest month on record. Around the same time that viral photos showed wildfire smoke smothering Manhattan skyscrapers, investment experts decried ESG metrics as “oftentimes…very subjective, fluffy and easily gamed.” It’s no wonder that accusations of greenwashing levied at industries from oil and gas to finance and banking continue to dominate headlines and boardroom discussions.

🤖 Cool Technology

Super long-range Wi-Fi works at a range of 1.8 miles — HaLow standard aces a real-world test despite high interference

Wireless tech company Morse Micro has achieved a new WiFi distance record of 1.8 miles (three kilometers) using the HaLow (802.11ah) standard. While HaLow was originally announced in 2016, its proper implementation is only just starting to pick up steam— and now, Morse Micro is pulling it off in a big way.

Lamptron's new CPU cooler has a screen as big as the iPhone15 

ST060 sports a six-inch LCD with a 1920x1080 resolution that functions as a second display


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