Bluesky opens to the public, Atlas robot, OnePlus 12 review and more / Daily digest

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As Bluesky opens to the public, CEO Jay Graber faces her biggest challenge yet

Bluesky CEO Jay Graber says that her job is like being a substitute teacher. It’s not what you’d expect from the head of an experimental, up-and-coming social platform, but it makes sense: there’s a lot of pressure, and a mischievous audience is eager to poke and prod at any crack in your armor until you break.


AI can now master your music—and it does shockingly well

Suddenly, everyone can master their own music.

An Audio Tour Through America’s Top-Ranked Podcasts

Podcasts have grown increasingly popular over the past decade, becoming part of the daily routine of about one-in-ten Americans. Nearly half of Americans have listened to a podcast in the past year for many reasons, including to learn, for entertainment or just to have something to listen to while doing something else.


It’s easier to forgive a human than a robot

One of the reasons I think AI is going to have a hard time taking over all our driving duties, our medical care, or even just our customer support interactions, is that being as good as a human isn’t good enough for a robot. They need to be computer good. That is, virtually perfect. That’s atough bar to scale.


Meta will label AI-generated content on Facebook, Instagram and Threads

In a new post this morning, Meta announced it will identify and label AI-generated content on Facebook, Instagram and Threads — though it cautioned it is “not yet possible to identify all AI-generated content.”


GenAI is moving to your smartphone, PC and car — here’s why

Generative AI tools, apps and services that use the processing power on edge devices can access data locally, return faster results, and they're more secure.

A developer's guide to AI-assisted software development

In the dynamic landscape of software development, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is evolving into a formidable partner for developers seeking enhanced productivity and efficiency. Take a look at this short guide from Sonar which delves into the core aspects of AI-driven software development, exploring the tools, technologies, and practices that can amplify your coding prowess.

What the History of Software Development Tells Us about the Hurdles to Enterprise Adoption of LLMs

Generative AI is predicted to add up to $4.4T of value to the global economy annually, according to a McKinsey study. However, enterprise adoption of the technology has been slow and mostly in the experimentation stage. A recent survey by Menlo Ventures showed that enterprise investment in generative AI is still surprisingly small ($2.5 billion) compared to those of traditional AI ($70 billion) and cloud software ($400 billion).

So, what is preventing enterprises from mass adoption of LLMs?


Finance worker pays out $25 million after video call with deepfake ‘chief financial officer’

A finance worker at a multinational firm was tricked into paying out $25 million to fraudsters using deepfake technology to pose as the company’s chief financial officer in a video conference call, according to Hong Kong police.

Are you sure you want to share that with ChatGPT? How Metomic helps stop data leaks

Open AI‘s ChatGPT is one of the most powerful tools to come along in a lifetime, set to revolutionize the way many of us work. But its use in the enterprise is still a quandary: Businesses know that generative AI is a competitive force, yet the consequences of leaking sensitive information to the platforms are significant.

🔎 Research

The fastest-growing countries for software development, according to GitHub

New data shows a rising tide of coders in Bangladesh and Nigeria.

🤖 Cool Technology

Shock video shows Atlas robot training for automotive work

It's a shock video because Atlas is unboxing and racking shocks – sorry about that. But it's also a shock because Atlas has always been a humanoid robotics research platform, not a commercial product – and this new video has us wondering.

OnePlus 12 review: A no-nonsense flagship for a great price

With a starting price of $800, it's $200 cheaper than a similarly equipped Galaxy S24+.


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